
丹麥Denmark、敘利亞Syria|2017|DCP|Color|110min|Feras Fayyad
An award-winning and breathtaking documentary that follows the efforts of the internationally recognized White Helmets, an organization comprised of ordinary citizens who are the first to rush towards explosions in the hope of saving lives, and draws us into the lives of three of its founders – Khaled, Subhi, and Mahmoud – as they grapple with the chaos around them and struggle with an ever-present dilemma: do they flee with their families or stay and fight for their country.
阿勒坡最後的男人 Last Men in Aleppo
台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
★2017波蘭Docs Against Gravity電影節
★2017克里夫蘭國際電影節Greg Gund紀念獎提名
★2017荷蘭Movies That Matter影展