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法國 France、瑞士 Switzerland、黎巴嫩 Lebanon、卡達 Qatar、阿拉伯聯合大公國 United Arab Emirates|2016|HD|Color|103min|Monika Borgmann, Lokman Slim
Amidst the popular uprising against the Syrian regime that began in 2011, a group of former Lebanese detainees decides to break their long-held silence about the horrific years of torture and humiliation they spent imprisoned in Tadmor, one of the Assad regime’s most dreadful prisons. To reclaim and overcome this dark chapter in their lives, they rebuild Tadmor in an abandoned school near Beirut. By playing the role of both victim and victimizer, they try to relive their survival.
煉獄塔德莫 Tadmor
★2016瑞士真實影展SRG SSR獎
09/22(五)-10/05(四) Giloo 紀實影音平台
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