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奧地利Austria|2016|HDCAM|B&W|107min|Christian Krönes, et al.
即使龐瑟(Brunhilde Pomsel)始終將自己定義為一個「旁觀者」,世人卻賦予了她「納粹幫兇」的歷史評價。去年106歲高齡辭世的龐瑟,二戰期間曾是納粹宣傳部長戈培爾(Joseph Goebbels)的秘書。戰後,她隱姓埋名度日,直至2011年才公開身分。「沒有人相信我是毫不知情的,」她說。「也沒有人會同意我是無罪的。」許多人認為法西斯主義早已成為過去,然而對於被認定深入納粹核心的龐瑟而言,這段二十世紀最慘痛的戰爭記憶,至今仍然尚未真正走入歷史……
Brunhilde Pomsel got closer to one of the worst criminals in world history than anyone else presently alive. She used to work as secretary and stenographer for the Nazi-Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. Her life mirrors the major historical ruptures of the 20th century. Nowadays, many people think that the dangers of fascism have long been overcome, but Pomsel makes it clear that this is certainly not the case…
龐瑟回憶錄 A German Life
台灣首映Taiwan Premiere
★2016波蘭Docs Against Gravity電影節
09/22(五) 16:40 華山二廳
09/24(日) 16:30 華山二廳 ★
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