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德國Germany、黎巴嫩Lebanon、敘利亞Syria、阿拉伯聯合大公國United Arab Emirates、卡達Qatar|2017|HDCAM|Color|85min|Ziad Kalthoum
In Beirut, Syrian construction workers are building a skyscraper while at the same time their own houses at home are being shelled. The Lebanese war is over but the Syrian one still rages on, and the workers are locked in the building site by the Lebanese government. Tormented by anguish and anxiety, while suffering the deprivation of the most basic human and workers right, they keep hoping for a different life…
水泥的滋味 Taste of Cement
亞洲首映 Asia Premiere
★ 2017瑞士真實影展最佳影片
09/25(一) 14:30 華山二廳
09/26(二) 17:00 華山二廳
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