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美國USA|2016|HDCAM|Color, B&W|92min|Matt Tyrnauer
本片是關於都市研究經典之作《偉大城市的誕生與衰亡》作者珍雅各(Jane Jacobs)拯救紐約市區的故事,紀錄了20世紀最戲劇化的都更戰爭過程。1960年代,紐約市的人文聚落正面臨了無情的拆遷重建計畫,珍雅各為保護格林威治村和小義大利的歷史街區挺身而戰,強力反對這些區域被即將興建的高速公路分割和破壞。全片充滿公民精神與議題反思獲得國際好評,更受到多倫多國際電影節、CPH:Dox等重要影展選映。
In 1960 Jane Jacobs’s book The Death and Life of Great American Cities sent shockwaves through the architecture and planning worlds, with its exploration of the consequences of modern planners’ and architects’ reconfiguration of cities. This film retraces Jacobs as an activist, who was involved in many fights in mid - century New York, to stop “master builder” Robert Moses from running roughshod over the city.
Citizen Jane: Battle for the City
台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
★2017 邁阿密電影節
09/24(日) 12:00 華山二廳
09/26(二) 19:00 華山二廳 ★
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