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冰島Iceland、西班牙Spain、美國USA|2016|HDCAM|Color|83min|Lucija Stojevic
「我是天生的舞者。我可以整晚醒著,重複腦中的節奏直到它成為我身體裡的一部分。」La Chana以令人屏息的節奏,自1960年代開始走紅佛朗明哥世界,然而他卻選擇在事業的高峰陡然從銀光幕前消失。原來,十八年來他遭受家暴,這段充滿張力的故事既關於成長、毅力與創造力。La Chana將他生命中的衝突化為藝術結晶,二十年後,他重返舞台......
La Chana was one of the greatest stars in the flamenco world since 1960s, but at the peak of her career, she suddenly disappeared from the scene. The film reveals the secret behind her disappearance and brings us close to her heart and mind as she returns to the stage to give a final seated performance after a break of two decades.
永舞止境 La Chana
台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
★2017波蘭Docs Against Gravity電影節
09/23(六) 17:50 華山一廳
09/24(日) 14:10 華山二廳★
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