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香港Hong Kong|2017|DCP|Color|25min|楊曉芙
「創意」究竟是什麼?創意經常被定義為創造出「新的」或「非常規的」東西,而創造力似乎經常來自於對於未知的摸索以及對於突破框架的渴望。這部短片試圖探索創意是什麼、人們又可以透過創意獲得些什麼。影片中訪問了創辦人、企業家、心理學家、設計師、社運家和瑜伽老師, 分享創意對他們而言的意義,以及他們為這個社會創造出的獨特動力。
We often understand creativity in terms of creating something completely new or unconventional. This short documentary is an attempt to explore what creativity is and what we can do about it. The six speakers in the film - an inventor, entrepreneur, psychologist, designer, activist and yoga teacher - will share their thoughts on what creativity means to them and their unique drive to create in the society we live in.
原來我 Creativity Is
台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
09/23(六) 21:00 華山二廳 ★
09/24(日) 21:10 華山二廳 ★
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