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香港 Hong Kong|2008|HD|Color|93min |張經緯
Ka-jeng, a 17-year-old music prodigy from a well-to-do family. At the age of 11, he was invited to play Beethoven’s Concerto for Piano No. 1 with a professional orchestra in Czech. Despite all his gains, he began to question incessantly about his life. This documentary goes deep down to one’s mind: his thoughts, his struggles and his choices. It is a story of a genius, but also a story of everyone, lamenting over our unrecognized talents while brewing one’s dream-come-true.
音樂人生 KJ
★2010 亞太影展
★2010 香港電影金像獎 新晉導演獎
★2009 金馬獎最佳紀錄片
Giloo 紀實影音平台
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