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中國 China|2009 |HD|Color|115min |杜海濱
2008年5月12日14 :28,四川大地震發生。在鋪天蓋地的報導和施救之中,「生存」成為最重要的一個詞,而生離死別的傷痛與迫在眉睫的救援,與之相形之下,都只能沉默。衣衫襤褸的流浪漢在廢墟上遊蕩,冷眼旁觀近乎荒謬的厄運,一位和尚與一位道士這樣總結了地震:「廟裡的土地爺很久沒有人認真上供了。」災難之下,人性的光明和陰暗一覽無遺。
The “Great Sichuan Earthquake” took place at 14:28 on May 12, 2008. Ordinary people are salvaging destroyed pig farms in the mountains, recuperating cents-worth scrapped metals, or pillaging victims’ homes. Behind the highly-mediatized official visits, inconsolable grief of families searching for loved ones. Throughout, a vagabond in tattered clothes wanders among the ruins, observing tragic scenes. A monk and a Taoist visionary conclude the disaster: “the earthquake is the consequence of Earth-Gods no longer worshipped.”
★2010 法國環境影展國際競賽單元特別關注獎
★2009 香港亞洲電影節
★2009 法國真實電影節
Giloo 紀實影音平台

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