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中國 China|2011|HD|Color|72min |王楊
“China Gate" tells the story of young Chinese strive to change their fate through studying. Before dawn, students in Huining have already started their self-studying session. This is one of the most poverty-stricken Counties in Western China; here the only hope for people lies in education, as the way to change their social status. Therefore, all their efforts are made at taking the College Entrance Examination, the process is like squeezing through a gate, those who pass can go to urban Universities, and might lead a better life.
中國門 China Gate
★2012 羅馬尼亞 ZagrebDox 國際紀錄片電影節
★2011 萊比錫國際紀錄片電影節
Giloo 紀實影音平台
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