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台灣 Taiwan|2012|HD|Color|90min |華天灝



On average, they are 81 years old, but they dare to dream the dream of an 18-year-old. They would tell you, through life-long experience, "Miracles do happen as long as you continue to dream!" Among these 17 "Grandriders", 2 have gone through cancers, 4 need hearing aids, 5 suffer from high blood pressure and 8 have coronary diseases. However, at the age of 80 plus, they dare to ride on scooters and to feel the land they have lived for life-long again.

不老騎士  Go Grandriders


2013 紐約亞美國際電影節

2012 釜山國際電影節

2012 香港亞洲電影節



Giloo 紀實影音平台

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