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中國 China|2015|HD|Color|95min |張贊波
湖南一個寧靜尋常的小鎮,即將面臨被省級高速公路貫穿的命運。這條即將動工的公路不僅造價高昂,更將帶來巨大的經濟效益。開工之際,以修路為業的外地人和各種施工機械如同潮水般湧入,而隨著他們的到來,當地的村莊和居民們生活也受到衝擊,田地遭到徵收,房屋被迫拆遷,廟宇必須重建。修路者和當地人,兩個不同群體的生活和命運與這條道路緊緊聯繫在 一 起,彼此交織、衝撞。而這道修路的漫長過程,正如同國家高速發展的縮影。
In 2009 the Chinese government began to implement a 586 billion US dollar plan as an attempt to minimize the impact of the global financial crisis on the world's second largest economy. The plan aims to invest in infrastructure and social welfare throughout China. The film follows local villagers and peasants that are forced to move due to land acquisition. Most of the workers on the construction site are migrant Chinese workers that travel around the country to make a living
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★2015 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展
Giloo 紀實影音平台
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